Scalp Micropigmentation







Regain your confidence with fuller-looking hair! No matter your gender Scalp Micropigmentation is the number one way to deal with hair loss. Whether it’s used for adding density to fine-thinning hair or completely restoring a hairline, it will give you natural, undetectable results. This is also with minimal aftercare and compared to other options, minimal expense. Scalp Micropigmentation is a great alternative to expensive, highly invasive transplant procedures and drugs that have a multitude of side effects.

Scalp Micropigmentation is a cosmetic tattoo method that uses detailed micro-needles to deposit special pigment into the scalp. The result creates the appearance of tiny hair follicles that help thicken and restore the look of fuller hair. It is a completely safe, natural-looking, non-invasive treatment with minimal aftercare that will completely restore the hairline and add density to thinning hair.

Regain your confidence with fuller-looking hair! No matter your gender Scalp Micropigmentation is the number one way to deal with hair loss. Whether it’s used for adding density to fine-thinning hair or completely restoring a hairline, it will give you natural, undetectable results. This is also with minimal aftercare and compared to other options, minimal expense. Scalp Micropigmentation is a great alternative to expensive, highly invasive transplant procedures and drugs that have a multitude of side effects.


    Scalp Micropigmentation is a cosmetic tattoo method that uses detailed micro-needles to deposit special pigment into the scalp. The result creates the appearance of tiny hair follicles that help thicken and restore the look of fuller hair. It is a completely safe, natural-looking, non-invasive treatment with minimal aftercare that will completely restore the hairline and add density to thinning hair.


At Boho Cosmetic Tattoo by Bobbi Jo Rohaley, we offer Scalp Micropigmentation for a variety of different conditions:

  • Receding Hairlines
  • Male or Female Pattern Baldness
  • Thinning Hair
  • Transplant Scars
  • Alopecia
  • & More!

Scalp Micropigmentation is often the hair-thinning treatment of choice that can address a range of hair loss issues, making it an ideal solution for both all genders. With the ability to treat receding hairlines, male or female pattern baldness, thinning hair, transplant scars, and even conditions like alopecia, Scalp Micropigmentation offers a versatile and effective solution for individuals seeking to restore their confidence and achieve a full head of hair.

Boho Cosmetic Tattoo is located at Alora Wellness & Spa in Eugene, Oregon. Book a consultation at (541) 228-9595  to find out more today.








*Boho Cosmetic Tattoo require a $100 non-refundable deposit that goes towards the price of your procedure on all appointments booked. We require a 48 hour notice to reschedule your appointment. Late cancellations or no-show will result in loss of your deposit.



Scalp Micropigmentation Precare

1. Refrain from direct sun exposure to the scalp for a minimum of two weeks preceding your scheduled procedure.

2. Cease the use of hair growth products or topical medications on the scalp at least two weeks before the appointed date.

3. Avoid alcohol consumption 24 hours before your procedure, and refrain from using any blood-thinning medications unless prescribed by your doctor.

Day-of-Procedure Instructions:

1. Ensure your scalp is thoroughly washed and free of any products on the day of your appointment.

2. If shaving is required before the procedure, perform it in the morning using the shortest setting on the shaver. (Note: Density work may not necessitate shaving.)

Scalp Micropigmentation Aftercare

Ensure optimal aftercare by prioritizing cleanliness and dryness. Gently rinse your scalp daily with warm or cool water, patting it dry afterward. Steer clear of shampoos, and chemicals, submerging your head, excessive sweating, surface rubbing and scrubbing for 7 days after your procedure. Your scalp may become itchy so you can lightly tap your scalp to relieve some of the itching. After 7 days you may continue using gentle shampoo and products as well as shaving.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Boho Cosmetic Tattoo directly at:

(541) 228-9595
(541) 228-5949


  • What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

    Scalp Micropigmentation, commonly referred to as SMP or hair tattoo is a contemporary, non-invasive remedy for hair loss. This technique involves the precise application of specialized pigment using a micro needle to mimic the look of natural follicles. The result is an illusion of a closely shaven scalp or the appearance of fuller, thicker hair. This procedure is suitable for both men and women experiencing various forms of hair loss.

  • How many Scalp Micropigmentation treatments will I need?

    Typically, clients undergo 2-3 sessions spaced 14 days apart for the treatment, with the exact number influenced by the extent of hair loss. Factors like skin conditions may lead some clients to require an extra session. Those with oily scalps might need additional sessions, but our charging is based on the entire job, not per session. Achieving a natural-looking SMP involves gradually building density over multiple sessions, creating a 3D follicle illusion -it’s never a 1

    session treatment.

  • How long does Scalp Micropigmentation take?

    Typically Scalp Micropigmentation sessions take 2-4 hours per session depending on your hair loss needs.  Most clients will need three sessions each spaced out 14-30 days.

  • How much does Scalp Micropigmentation cost?

    Price will depend on the level of hair loss. Typically, it ranges from $1500-$3500. You will need to contact our office and schedule a free consultation. To get accurate pricing we offer in-person consultations at our office,
    FaceTime/phone consultations for those out of town.

  • Do I need to take time off work?

    Scalp Micropigmentation requires no downtime.  You might notice a slight redness on the scalp for a few days after treatment but will subside quickly.

    You are allowed to wear a hat or any clean headwear if you are feeling more comfortable during that time.

  • How long does Scalp Micropigmentation last?

    Scalp Micropigmentation typically lasts between 3-5 years before you will need to come in for a touch-up session.  Only one session will be required at that time.  You will notice a lightening in the color over time and that is when you will know it is time for you to come in for your touch-up.

  • Is Scalp Micropigmentation permanent?

    The treatment won’t vanish entirely, but clients may notice some fading over the years,

    necessitating a brief one-session touch-up to restore it to its original standard. Typically, individuals opt for touch-ups every 4-5 years. Sun overexposure accelerates fading, so it’s

    crucial to apply sunscreen for protection and to extend the treatment’s lifespan.

  • Is Scalp Micropigmentation painful?

    The level of sensation varies from person to person. Many clients report no pain, while some may feel discomfort in specific areas of the scalp. Notably, it is considerably less painful than a conventional tattoo. Numbing the scalp is optional, and you can take as many breaks as necessary. Feel free to indulge in your favorite Netflix show during the treatment to divert attention from any potential discomfort.

  • What happens when my hair turns gray?

    Gray hair becomes noticeable as it grows longer; when buzzed to the right length, it doesn’t appear gray. SMP will lighten over time, allowing adjustments to the gray-scale pigment during touch-ups if your hair turns gray. Enhancing density in gray hair is a common practice, creating the illusion of a salt-and-pepper look.

  • Can I get Scalp Micropigmentation if I have long thin hair?

    Yes, you most certainly can.  Anyone can get Scalp Micropigmentation to add density to their scalp to give the illusion that their hair is thicker than it is.

  • How do I choose a hairline?

    We will work together to come up with the best-fit hairline for you.  We will take into consideration the shape of your head and your age.  We want it to look as natural as possible so over the course of your sessions, we can make small tweaks and adjustments to the hairline for a perfect result.

  • How long until I can shampoo, or shave the Scalp Micropigmentation area?

    You can rinse your scalp the very next day with no shampoo.  Day 3-4 you can wash your scalp with a gentle shampoo making sure not to scrub the area but rubbing gently.  You can shave with an electric shaver on days 4-5.

  • How can I book a consultation?

    Boho Cosmetic Tattoo is located at Alora Wellness & Spa in Eugene, Oregon. To schedule a consultation please contact Alora at (541) 228-9595 or email Boho Cosmetic Tattoo at

  • What is the difference between hair tattoo (SMP) and a regular tattoo?

    While it might be colloquially known as a hair tattoo or hairline tattoo, Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is essentially a type of cosmetic tattoo. This process involves the use of specialized pigment, needles, and tools designed specifically for this purpose. It's crucial to understand that the pigment is not implanted as deeply as in a standard body tattoo, leading to gradual fading over time. Consequently, individuals may require a touch-up session every few years to maintain the desired results.

  • How is Scalp Micropigmentation different for women?

    Around 80% of women will undergo hair loss by the age of 50. Various factors contribute,

    including hormonal shifts from pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, stress, medication side effects, and diet. SMP proves highly effective in concealing women’s thinning hair by minimizing the contrast between hair ad scalp through pigment matching the individual’s hair color.

  • Is there down time after the treatment?

    SMP stands out as a minimally invasive method, boasting a quicker recovery. The healing process closely resembles that of a tattoo, often involving mild redness akin to a sunburn after each session. Many individuals resume regular activities, including work on the same day, and it's permissible to wear a cap or hat immediately after the session. Adhering to the provided aftercare instructions is crucial for enduring proper healing.

  • Does Scalp Micropigmentation damage existing hair follicle?

    Certainly not, SMP does not harm your hair follicles; in fact, it may even promote hair growth. The procedure involves implanting pigment into a superficial scalp layer, ensuring no damage to the deep-rooted hair follicles.

  • Does Scalp Micropigmentation look natural on lighter skin?

    Absolutely! We can customize the pigment shade to suit any skin tone. Whether you have a light skin as a blonde, freckles as a redhead, or belong to African American, Hispanic, or Asian communities, SMP is guaranteed to work seamlessly and appear entirely natural.

  • Can I have a hair transplant after Scalp Micropigmentation?

    Certainly! Many individuals opt for a combination of both hair transplant and SMP. You can have a hair transplant three months after your last SMP session, but if you undergo a hair transplant first, you need to wait a year before getting SMP.


Boho Cosmetic Tattoo is located in Alora Wellness & Spa:


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